
Tuesday, 24 November 2015

2015 Ruby World Cup

This is my 2015 world cup blog post

Digital Learnnig

I made a wevideo which shares my cybersmart learning.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Class Of Pain

this is our comic we made using students and other art

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Our Mad Scientists

We made clouds that where made out of shaving foam then we used food coloring for the rain and this is how it turned out. if you want to try this at home here are my instructions.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Venn diagram

I visited  Jasmine and Harry's blog. because I wanted to find info about what they would like to do in the future.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

My Book Reviews

These are my book reviews and what I think about the stories I have read.

The Flag Decision

I Justified that this flag could be the next new Zealand flag

Friday, 14 August 2015


At the AMI netball center we had two teams that played different schools. The year 7-8 vs Glenbrae school. Awesome win they were doing great! Until they lost against Sylvia Park but they are still too good, skills right. They came second overall. The year 6-5  lost 4 games and won 2 games. But it was all good.

give one to the school hu- ray give one for the the ref hu-ray.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

My Quality Goals

These are my term 3 goals. I hope you like it.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Water cycle

How does water evaporate? What do they do when they're up in the sky? Do they really change into clouds?    
Water evaporates when drops go up into the sky. They change into clouds. They make bigger clouds and then it rains again.

If you were a cloud how would your mum react?    
Probably freaked out, she will probably scream so hard that all our pictures will crack.    

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Unique passwords

We are learning to create strong passwords and make sure our Google account is secure.
What I have learnt about keeping my password safe, strong and secure is to use the  first letters of a song or quote like Jack and Jill  went up the Hill . password be careful that criminals might hack in to your computer that could cause major probs  

Thursday, 28 May 2015

My top tip

We have been learning key broad shortcuts on our Chromebooks. we want to become smart users so we can be cybersmart digital learners.     

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Private John Simpson has been shot

Gallipoli Peninsula
28 April 1915

Dear my family,  Private John Simpson has been shot and I tried to help but it was too late I had to get to cover then I saw him laying on the ground his last words were save my donkey I did not know what to do I panicked his donkey was in cover and he said  to me go! I tried to provide him cover but when I looked back his head was lying on the ground so I ran to cover so fast my legs were sore.
I hope to see you soon from Curtis

My Welcoming

Hi I’m Curtis I am a year 6 and go to Ruapotaka Primary School.  I am Maori and my favorite subject is writing.  I like eating McDonald's and I like watching movies with my friends and family members. I like free running with my   cousin and I am a good rugby player, so watch out. My goal is to be B.T.B. (better than before) and contribute with other members in my class. I have really cool friends. Curtis stands - for caring, unbelievable, radical, talented, inspiration, smart. thanks for listening and I hope you like my blog enjoy!.              
